Effectiveness of an Educational Program on the Reduction of Urinary Tract Infections in Long Term Care Residents
Williams, Andrea
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Research Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Caring sciences::Nursing , Urinary Tract Infections , Long-Term Care , Caregivers
Alternative Title
Problem: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common, costly, yet preventable problem among residents in long-term care. Unlicensed staff are the primary caregivers of residents in long-term care and can implement strategies to prevent UTIs.
Objective: The purpose of this quality improvement project was to determine if an evidence-based education presentation would increase the knowledge of unlicensed staff related to UTIs and prevention and reduce their occurrence.
Methods: An evidence based education program was developed and presented to unlicensed staff who participated in the project. A validated pre- and post-assessment questionnaire was used to measure knowledge gained from the education.
Results: The average score for pre- to post-assessment increased from 69.39 to 85.32. Retrospective chart reviews were completed for 94 patients three months before and three months after education was provided to determine if the intervention was effective in preventing UTIs. The result was a reduction from 19 to 12 UTIs, a 36.8% decrease between pre-intervention and post-intervention.
Conclusion: Educating caregivers on prevention strategies for UTIs increased knowledge and reduced the number of UTIs documented in the facility.