Sex & Sexuality Module II: Self-Expression, Community and Identity
Behrend, Dawn
Issue Date
Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Library and information science , Reference Databases , Gender Identity , Sexual Behavior
Sex & Sexuality, Module II: Self-Expression, Community, and Identity published by Adam Matthew Digital is a collection of digitized primary sources obtained from archives in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia with content from the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries “showing the shifting attitudes and varied experiences of sexuality”. While covering the full range of human sexuality, the collection primarily focuses on the LGBTQ+ experience. This module will be a beneficial resource for academic programs studying gender and human sexuality at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Users seeking more current, global primary and secondary resources on gender, women’s, and LBGTQ+ topics may find ProQuest’s GenderWatch a more suitable choice. Those seeking information on sexuality from the sixteen to mid-twentieth centuries or a more global perspective from the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries may prefer modules three and four respectively of Gale’s Archives of Sexuality & Gender.